Sunday, December 29, 2019

Argumentative Essay About Rebellious Teen - 1102 Words

Trying to be that rebellious teen isn’t as cool as many would think. Have you ever gotten in those dumb situations where you look back and you just put your hand on your face, sigh, and then ask â€Å"Ugh, why did I do that?† Yeah, that was me when I was lost at Busch Wildlife. I was there, at Busch Wildlife, for Cross Country Summer Running during Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the summer of 2012 and, at the time, I was only there a couple of times and knew limited amount of people so I didn’t fully know where any path would take me and ask for help. Getting lost for two and a half hours at Busch Wildlife taught me that it’s good to be adventurous and take chances, to take the time to appreciate the beauty nature has to offer us, and to stay with a group even if they embarrass you. When making a decision - there is often times a fork in the road, resulting in many different choices. Before I got lost, I was actually with a group running away from the dangerous elements (not really but it was going to be very hot that day). Being ahead of the group, I got carried away and kept marching (or in this case running) forward and until maybe an eighth of a mile I didn’t realize that I heard no footsteps other than mine. Worried, I looked back to realize that I was way ahead of the last person I saw, which like I said before might ve been an eighth of a mile behind me. I shrugged and kept going, which was my first mistake and how I got lost in the first place. Fast-forward twoShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Hamlet And An Argumentative Essay892 Words   |  4 PagesEnglish 112 involved writing a large variety of literary pieces focusing on multiple components of writing. I wrote a multigenre on tattoos, literary analysis on Hamlet, and an argumentative essay as well as a summary and response essay on the need for higher education. From this wide array of papers I have learned and grown in my technical writing skills that will contribute in my pursuits of college level classes. I will address each of my papers and what I have learned from them. I have includedRead MoreThe Disillusionment of American Dream in Great Gatsby and Tender Is the Night19485 Words   |  78 Pagesmysterious hierarchy of human worth.† 4 To understand the pursuers of the American dream of the two novels, Gatsby and Dick, we must have a thorough knowledge of the major facts of Fitzgerald’s personal experience, because he always â€Å"wrote about himself or about people and things with which he was intimate.†(Stavola 1979:23) When Fitzgerald said, â€Å"I can not disassociate a man from his work† (Stavola 1979:23), he obviously had himself in mind. In the study of any writer there are three concentric areas

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